

The principles of Feng Shui are timeless. Homes which are not only visually delightful, but promote harmony, health and a feeling of well-being are often the result of good design and good Feng Shui. Although not identical, these disciplines work hand in hand to produce living spaces that are both beautiful and beneficial to their occupants.

Hence Feng Shui and design are not only concerned with the relationship between a home and its surrounding environment, but Feng Shui also focuses on the improvement of life here and now. Living spaces which are designed according to indiscernible Feng Shui rules creates richly productive rooms where one feels totally at ease.

Considerations of aesthetics, color and furnishings also form an integral part of any Feng Shui assessment and a sympathetic understanding of occupied spaces often produces the best and most balanced overall results. When traditional Feng Shui principles are properly applied, a certain stability enters your life, a sense of peace reigns in your home and your chances of prosperity improve.

At ShengChi-Feng Shui all our consultations are based on authentic, classical techniques and are conducted in a professional, confidential and timely manner. Every site is thoroughly assessed and we offer both design and construction suggestions. In addition we look at the facing direction of the home, the location of water in and near the home, the position of the main door and other entrances, the uses to which particular rooms are put, and the effect of these factors upon different members of the family.

We take great pride in the quality of our services, both during and after the consultation and provide comprehensive written reports. In addition we utilize the IV Pillars of Destiny (Chinese Astrology) to determine other factors which may be affecting your health, relationships or finances.

Prior to the consultation you will need to provide the following:

  • A scale copy of your floor plan – this can be obtained from your local council and can take up to three weeks to arrive
  • The year the home was constructed
  • Gender, birth date, time and place of each person living in the home